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Make a Wish

Master Your Mind

Imagine you're walking through an abandoned parking lot when you discovered something sticking out of a pile of rubbish.

You picked it up, brushed it off and discovered it was a lamp.

Could it be possible?

You raced back home thinking maybe, just maybe all the stories and tales are true.

Back home, you close the curtains, turn off your phone, and dimmed the lights. You took the lamp in your hand, took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and you rubbed the side of it.

And it happened, but not like in the movies were the magical genie spewed from the lamp only to materialize right before your eyes. This was different. It’s like you received this knowingness, this truth that came into your heart your mind your soul.

You could have whatever it was your heart desired. And you weren’t limited to only three wishes, but an infinite amount.

And the way you could use your wishes was to close your eyes and imagine yourself actually experiencing your wish in your mind, seeing it before you, tasting it, smelling it, hearing it, touching it, and most importantly, feeling it with a deep sense of beauty and gratitude. The experience was so powerful that it felt as real as any other moment you’ve already lived.

But there was a stipulation.

Every time you doubted yourself or the possibility, you pushed your wish away. Every time you found fault in the process instead of appreciation – you pushed your wish away.

Every time you found problems instead of solutions, you pushed your wish away. Every time you considered the fear instead of the beauty – you pushed your wish away.

Every time your thought about all the reasons your wish wasn't meant to be, why it couldn't be, how you weren't destined for such glory – you pushed your wish away.

And every day you didn’t make it important by pouring time and energy into the pursuit – you pushed your wish away.

So as long as you continued believing in yourself and your worthiness to experience your wishes… never giving up on either, you could not only wish for anything you desired, but grant yourself those wishes.

What would you wish for?

You have the power to not only want a bold and beautiful life for yourself but the ability to create one too. If only you learn how to wield the power of your mind, your beliefs, your thoughts, and emotions.

That's no easy feat but there are tried and tested methods for doing exactly that with an all encompassing mental, emotional, physical & spiritual investment.

I'm happy to announce that I'll be launching a 21 Day Transformation Course for establishing a well-being foundation to improve your life in every possible way.

Stay tuned for the upcoming launch date and be sure to email if you're interested in getting a sneak preview ahead of time.

If you'd like to learn a bit more about me and my one of a kind journey through loss and the awakening which followed, be sure to catch me this Wednesday on a LIVE broadcast!

Details below, I'll also be chatting live with the entire audience between breaks so be sure to tune in, it's free!

Great story on YouTube for: Finding True Love

I learned how to master my mind over the course of many years following the passing of my wife, Jessica Marie. To register for the free event, click here: I'll be sharing many of the details on a weekly streaming show called Healing Wednesday, hosted by Lee Carroll (Kryon Channel), Monika Muranyi, and their weekly guest of choice (this time it’s me). Allow me to introduce you to these incredible friends of mine.

  • Kryon is a loving entity that brings a consistent message of love and hope for humanity.

  • Lee Carroll is the original channel for Kryon since 1989.

  • Monika Muranyi is the consummate researcher and archivist of the Kryon material.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to watch an episode of Healing Wednesday, let me tell you how it all began. The program first premiered in August of 2020, and Kryon gave a channel about spontaneous remission –– when the multi-dimensional part of the Human Being has an alliance with the Soul. Kryon continued to share that health comes from the inside, not from the outside. And that’s exactly the purpose of Healing Wednesday. Each episode is structured to provide valuable insights and healing tools that you can use to dramatically heal on another level and live a more fulfilling life. This week, I would like to invite you to join us for my guest episode on June 28 at 6PM Pacific Time. During this episode, I will be discussing my journey and sharing life-changing advice that you can use to start seeing positive changes in your health and life. Here is what we will dive into:

  • How pain can be the spark of transformation.

  • The nature of the soul and our reason being here.

  • The purpose of struggle.

And so much more! Be sure to register, it's also free! Click here: I hope to see you there! With gratitude, Joe Hehn

Dreams of Antiquity Five Star Review on Goodreads: “Reading this novel was such a wild rush of many beautifully written stories woven together in a narrative that enriches and enlightens the reader. Dreams of Antiquity is in a genre unlike any books I normally purchase yet I’m so glad that it was recommended to me. I’d recommend this book to anyone who loves character driven deep and meaningful narratives that in the end do not disappoint.”

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