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Success Without Stress

If you’re stressed out and battling anxiety related to a personal or professional goal, then this story will help you.

Imagine if you were about to take the most important trip of your entire life.

You being in that destination at that very particular moment meant everything to you, your very existence teetered on you making this trip happen.

And you were really, really excited. You’ve been there before, when you booked a vacation and all of a sudden work gets a little bit easier because now you have this awesome thing to look forward to.

Imagine that, but times 10.

Everything that you had to do to prepare for that trip would become part of the experience and help elevate your sense of excitement and even thrill leading up to your departure.

Packing a bag, arranging transport, or getting a house sitter wouldn’t be chores, you’d be happy to do these things because they’re vital components to making your destination.

And if your airport ride fell through, your plane was delayed, or your baggage was lost, yeah it may be stressful at first but you're ditch the worry and pivot, trying to find solution for all the hurdles instead.

You know you just can't give up.

The little obstacles that arise are all part of our experience and working our way through them shows our determination and dedication for arriving to that special destination.

It proves that we are worth that which we desire by showing the Universe, God, Source that we'll do everything in our power until we’ve arrived.

This proves to the powers that be that we will NOT give up on our dreams.

Because when you finally arrive, knowing full-well how challenging it was overcoming so many obstacles, it makes the journey all the more beautiful.

You embody a deeper sense of gratitude for your arrival because you know what it took to get there.

This is the same mindset for achieving your goals, manifesting a particular reality, and pursuing your dreams.

Don’t give up.

If you believe in yourself – then there isn’t any point in which it’s okay to give up. Simply pivot and find solution.

Make your own path.

If you’re in need of a little help carving out your own path, consider working with your very first mentor. When you know how to establish empowering beliefs, thoughts, and emotions – your entire world transforms into something miraculous.

I'm ready to make my own path… Click Here to Get Started

Speaking of miraculous, I'd like to invite you to experience an upcoming live event I'll be filming with two beautiful individuals…

Great story on YouTube for:

Overcoming Daily Tasks with This Simple Mindset Shift (Inspiring Story)

I'm so excited to share with you about an upcoming event where I’ll be guest speaking on my spiritual spark, journey, and awakening through the challenge of my wife's passing.

This conversation will take place on a weekly streaming show called Healing Wednesday, hosted by Lee Carroll (Kryon Channel), Monika Muranyi, and their weekly guest of choice (this time it’s me).

Allow me to introduce you to these incredible friends of mine.

  • Kryon is a loving entity that brings a consistent message of love and hope for humanity.

  • Lee Carroll is the original channel for Kryon since 1989.

  • Monika Muranyi is the consummate researcher and archivist of the Kryon material.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to watch an episode of Healing Wednesday, let me tell you how it all began.

The program first premiered in August of 2020, and Kryon gave a channel about spontaneous remission –– when the multi-dimensional part of the Human Being has an alliance with the Soul. Kryon continued to share that health comes from the inside, not from the outside.

And that’s exactly the purpose of Healing Wednesday.

Each episode is structured to provide valuable insights and healing tools that you can use to dramatically heal on another level and live a more fulfilling life.

This week, I would like to invite you to join us for my guest episode on June 28 at 6PM Pacific Time.

During this episode, I will be discussing my journey and sharing life-changing advice that you can use to start seeing positive changes in your health and life.

Here is what we will dive into:

  • How pain can be the spark of transformation.

  • The nature of the soul and our reason being here.

  • The purpose of struggle.

And so much more!

To register for the free event, click

I hope to see you there!

With gratitude,

Joe Hehn

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